UGENE – is graphic interface for working with sequences, annotations, multiple alignments, phylogenetic trees and data sequencing (NGS), etc. Data may be stored locally (on PC), and in the general store (laboratory data in the database). UGENE provides an ability to analyze large amount of streaming data with the use of the "Designer of the computational schemes." Computational scheme is composed of the various blocks: data reading, applying embedded algorithms / instruments, data recording. If desired, blocks of arbitrary command-line tools and script blocks can be added to the scheme. “Designer” has examples of schemes (for sequences annotation, format conversion, data analysis and sequencing, etc.). UGENE – is free bioinformatics software and can run on a PC with Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
2ая школа для молодых ученых по современным методам флуоресцентной микроскопии (ADFLIM)
Research Resource center
(ext. number 6640)