
  • 2016
    1. A.V. Grizel, A.A. Rubel, Y.O. Chernoff. Strain conformation controls the specificity of cross-species prion transmission in the yeast model. // Prion.2016Т. С. 269-282
    2. Milana A. Kulakova, Nadezhda I. Bakalenko, Elena L. Novikova. Early mesodermal expression of Hox genes in the polychaete Alitta virens (Annelida, Lophotrochozoa). // Development Genes and Evolution. .2016Т. С.
    3. . А. Кондакова, В. И. Ефремов, В. А. Назаров. Структура желточного синцитиального слоя костистых рых и аналогичных структур у животных с меробластическим типом развития. // Известия РАН. Серия Биологическая..2016Т. 3С. 256-264.
    4. E. A. Kondakova, V. I. Efremov, and V. A. Nazarov. E. A. Kondakova, V. I. Efremov, and V. A. Nazarov. Structure of the Yolk Syncytial Layer in Teleostei and Analogous Structures in Animals of the Meroblastic Type of Development, // Biology Bulletin,.2016Vol. 3P. 208-215
    5. L. V. Chistyakova, M. A. Berdieva, A. Y. Kostygov, A. O. Frolov. , Diversity of symbiotic consortia of prokaryotes in the cells of pelomyxids (Archamoeba, Pelomyxidae). // Protistology.2016Vol. 10P. 13-25
    6. А.Ф. Сайфитдинова, С.А. Галкина, Е.И. Кошель, Е.Р. Гагинская. Роль повторяющихся последовательностей в эволюции половых хромосом у птиц. // Цитология,.2016Т. С. 393-398
    7. G.S. Slyusarev, V.V. Starunov The structure of the muscular and nervous systems of the female Intoshia linei (Orthonectida) // Organisms diversity and evolution.2016Vol. 16P. 65-71
    8. S.V. Sokornova, O.N. Yaroslavtseva, A.V. Aleksandrova, G.R. Lednev, B.A. Borisov ECOLOGY-GENETIC сhаr ACTERISTICS OF METARHIZIUM SP. ISOLATE MMB // Вестник защиты растений .2016Т. 3С. 155-156
    9. Gaginskaya E., Koshel E., Galkina S., Saifitdinova A., Dyomin A., Deryusheva S. Ribosomal RNA gene functioning in avian oogenesis // Cell Tissue Res.2016Vol. Jun 23P. DOI 10.1007/s00441-016-2444-4
    10. E. A. Kondakova, V. I. Efremov, and V. A. Nazarov Structure of the Yolk Syncytial Layer in Teleostei and Analogous Structures in Animals of the Meroblastic Type of Development // Biology Bulletin .2016Vol. 3P. 208-215
    11. Dyomin A G, Koshel EI, Kiselev A M, Saifitdinova A F, Galkina S A, Fukagawa T, Kostareva A A, Gaginskaya E R Chicken rRNA Gene Cluster Structure // PLoS One .2016Vol. 11P. 6 ), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157464
    12. Y.O. Chernoff The call of the unknown: The story of [PSI+] // Prion.2016Vol. 5P. 315-317
    13. Anna Zlotina, Tatiana Kulikova, Nadezda Kosyakova, Thomas Liehr and Alla Krasikova Microdissection of lampbrush chromosomes as an approach for generation of locus-specific FISH-probes and samples for high-throughput sequencing // Genomics.2016Vol. 17P. Article Number: 126 , DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2437-4
    14. Kulikova T., Chervyakova D., Zlotina A., Krasikova A., Gaginskaya E. Giant poly(A)-rich RNP aggregates form at terminal regions of avian lampbrush chromosomes // Chromosoma.2016Vol. P. DOI: 10.1007/s00412-015-0563-4
  • 2015
    1. Golubkova E. V., Atsapkina A. A., Mamon L. A. The role of sbr/dm nxf1 gene during syncytial periods of development in Drosophila melanogaster // Cell and Tissue Biology..2015Vol. 57, № 4.P. 294-304
    2. Shapoval, N. A. ;Lukhtanov, V. A. Intragenomic variations of multicopy ITS2 marker in Agrodiaetus blue butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Comparative Cytogenetics.2015Vol. 9P. 483-497 (Issue:4)
    3. Аникин В.В., Демин А.Г., Кнушевицкая М.А. Phylogeny and taxonomy of casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) based on morphological and molecular genetic data. I. Reconstruction of phylogeny of Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) using analysis of COI gene (mtDNA) variability. // Зоологический журнал. .2015Vol. 12P. 1-13
    4. Zalutskaya, Z. ;Kharatyan, N. ;Forchhammer, K. ;Ermilova, E. Reduction of PII signaling protein enhances lipid body production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii // Plant Science.2015Vol. 240P. 1-9
    5. Shunkina, K.V., Zaytseva, O.V., Starunov, V.V. , Ostrovsky, A.N. Comparative morphology of the nervous system in three phylactolaemate bryozoans // Frontiers in Zoology.2015Vol. 12P. A\N 28 (Issue 1) October 12,
    6. Trofimova, I. ;Chervyakova, D. ;Krasikova, A. Transcription of subtelomere tandemly repetitive DNA in chicken embryogenesis. // Chromosome Research..2015Vol. 23P. 495-503 (Issue:3)
    7. А.В. Красикова, А.В. Федоров Профиль экспрессии длинных и коротких РНК в цитоплазме и ядрах растущих ооцитов домашней курицы (Gallus gallus domesticus). // Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции..2015Т. 19С. 264-269 №3
    8. Maslova, A. ;Zlotina, A. ;Kosyakova, N. ;Sidorova, M. ;Krasikova, A. Three-dimensional architecture of tandem repeats in chicken interphase nucleus // Chromosome Research.2015Vol. 23P. 625-639 (Issue:3)
    9. М.А.Бердиева, Л.В.Чистякова, О.А.Митева, А.О.Фролов, А.В.Гудков. Свето- и электронно-микроскопическое исследование пелобионта Pelomyxa secunda (Gruber, 1884) comb. nov. (Archamoebae, Pelobiontida). // Цитология.2015Т. 57С. 62-69 №1
    10. Рубель А.А., Сайфитдинова А.Ф., Чернов Ю.О., Поляков В.И., Янченко Д.Г. ISSN 978-5-4391-0126-9 // Сб. статей «Наука-школе. Публичные лекции ученых».Санкт-Петербург, 2015..2015Т. С. 25-36
    11. Vladimir A. Lukhtanov, Alexander V. Dantchenko, Maria S. Vishnevskaya, Alsu F. Saifitdinova Detecting cryptic species in sympatry and allopatry: analysis of hidden diversity in Polyommtus (Agrodaetus) butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.2015Vol. P. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12596
    12. Vladimir A. Lukhtanov, Nazar A. Shapoval, Boris A. Anokhin, Alsu F. Saifitdinova, Valentina G. Kuznetsova. Homoploid hybrid speciation and genome evolution via chromosome sorting. // Proceedings B..2015Vol. 282 ( Issue: 1807 )P. 1-10
    13. D.Dedukh, S.Litvinchuk, J.Rosanov, G.Mazepa, A.Saifitdinova, D.Shabanov, A.Krasikova . Optional Endoreplication and Selective Elimination of Parental Genomes during Oogenesis in Diploid and Triploid Hybrid European Water Frogs // PLOS ONE..2015Vol. 10 ( Issue: 4 )P. A.N.: UNSP e0123304
    14. Viktor V Starunov, Nicolas Dray, Elena V Belikova, Pierre Kerner, Michel Vervoort, Guillaume Balavoine. A metameric origin for the annelid pygidium? // BMC Evolutionary Biology.2015Vol. 15P. 1-25
    15. Ekaterina Minaeva, Elena Ermilova Sequencing and Expression Analysis of the Gene Encoding PII Signal Protein in Chlorella Variabilis NC64A. // Plant Biochem Physiol..2015Vol. 3(142)P. 1-7
    16. Modified Synthesis of 6-carboxyfluorescein(6-FAM): Application to Probe Labeling forConventional Cytogenetics. // British Journal of Applied Science & Technology..2015Vol. 7(4)P. 423-428

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